

Statement on the work…

Stemming from the origin of the Greek words, nostos meaning pain, and algos meaning home, the word nostalgia refers directly to the pain felt when returning home after a significant life changing event. Before PTSD was a diagnosable condition, the word nostalgia was used to describe homesickness as both feeling sick of home and sick for home.  The modern definition of nostalgia glosses over real world problems, associating instead with more sentimental memories. Through depicting a world of comfort, I play with collective memory by weaving, stitching, collaging, storing, and matching saved trinkets with a disassociated internal monologue.  Saturated and dated hard plastic objects, mass-produced to be outgrown parallel soft acrylics and low brow thrift comforts. Saccharine throwaways meant to be lost, broken and forgotten are instead treasured and elevated on plush platforms. These objects are real true leftovers but won’t go away.