Page One (back) : and inflatable kiddie pool and plastic ball pits and slip n slides and gravel and i hate your stupid back yard
Page One (front) : not that sweet
Page Two (back) : and powdered candy and paper straws and no more pepperoni pizza left and thats enough for one day
Page Two (front) : happy birthday to you you smell like a shoe
Page Three (back) : and bright blue fountains and prizes and if you cant find me i’ll be on the roller coasters
Page Three (front) : its raining its pouring
Page Four (back) : and sour sweet and dream swirl and we’re going to miss the ice cream truck run
Page Four (front) : stop it stop it
Page Five (back) : and it’s like that gummy again it’s always like that gummy over and over and over
Page Five (front) : i can’t sleep
Page Six (back) : and small metal tins and sunshine on my arms and you’ll get one if you clean out your desk
Page Six (front) : of course you don’t know
Page Seven (back) : and ice pops and bumble bees don’t sting and sharp grass blades and pull the weeds
Page Seven (front) : 1 2 3 4 i don’t like you anymore 5 6 7 8 you really are someone i hate
Page Eight (back) : and dumping coins into the bin and they clang and rattle and hotel lobbies and carpet fuz and hair
Page Eight (front) : ewww get away
Page Nine (back) : and plastic trash and marshmallow frosting and combs stuck in my hair and sprinkles
Page Nine (front) : round and round and round and round
Page Ten (back) : and hand sanitizer and look at my tongue and hide and seek come inside its dark and turn the lights out
Page Ten (front) : time to go home
Page Eleven (back) : and ouch my teeth and the swing set is broken and you’re not allowed over we’re having pizza and no
Page Eleven (front) : far away
Page Twelve (back) : snd plastic this and plastic that and bad perfume that won’t go away and i can’t breathe
Page Twelve (front) : please dont go
Page Thirteen (back) : and toaster strudel and swing set black eyes and i didn’t use the finger paints and don’t touch the water
Page Thirteen (front) : pay attention
Page Fourteen (back) : and couching and coughing and why does this always happen with teddy bears on field day and grass
Page Fourteen (front) : don’t be such a cry baby
Page Fifteen (back) : and i spilled my beads and green beans for lunch and those are my flower plates dummy
Page Fifteen (front) : soooooo stupid
Page Sixteen (back) : and always the worst and waffles for breakfast and five more minutes and cream of wheat bowl
Page Sixteen (front) : leave me alone
Page Seventeen (back) : and toothpaste and small paper cups and laying on the carpet and ouch and butterfly temporary tattoos and bye
Page Seventeen (front) : your mom is here to pick you up
Page Eighteen (back) : and medicine and doll hair and party favors on the sidewalk and glitter glue boxes
Page Eighteen (front) : loser loser loser
Page Nineteen (front) : not the pretty sister
Page Nineteen (back) : and plastic bags and noise makers and don’t climb that high the branches will break and books